
Want to join the WGDLLE discussion group?

Contact John Mayer (jmayer@cali.org) to be be added to the WGDLLE Google Group/Listserv/Discussion group.

To post to the group, email to wgdlle-l@cali.org.


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Video of Jack Graves talk about Peerceptiv.com

Here is the video of Jack Graves’ talk about his use of Peerceptiv.com for peer-reviewed learning for law students.


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Meetup Notes Friday, September 29, 2017

Here is the link to the Google Doc for the meeting notes…




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WGDLLE Online Group Meetings 2017-2018

From Ginger Stinson – Hunt  <gingershunt@email.arizona.edu>

Mark Your Calendars!

Our first WGDLLE meeting will be Friday, September 29th at 10:00 AM Arizona or MST time. The Zoom link for all the meetings will be: https://zoom.us/j/2114186900. The topics for the September meeting will be emailed within the next week. All meetings will be recorded and posted on the WGDLLE website.

The meeting schedule for the year is (yep, I’m ahead this year):


Friday, September 29, 2017 – 10:00am Mountain Time (Meeting ID=211 418 6900)

Friday October 27, 2017 – 10:00am Mountain Time (Meeting ID=211 418 6900)

Thursday November 30, 2017 – 10:00am Mountain Time (Meeting ID=211 418 6900)

Friday February 23, 2018 – 10:00am Mountain Time (Meeting ID=211 418 6900)

Friday April 27, 2018 – 10:00am Mountain Time (Meeting ID=211 418 6900)



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Meeting Notes from CALICon17 – 7/15/17 Phoenix

WGDLLE Meeting
CALI Conference 2017


  • Every last Friday of the month at 1 pm EST
  • Start this September
    • Sept, Oct, Nov
    • Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr
  • Speakers? Topics?  Work on an artifact for the community?  Discussions?
  • Meeting Format Suggestions
    • One month–>talk about a chapter then revise it if needed
    • Next month–>topic presentation based on group interested (e.g. group work in online environments)

Group Mission (Does this need to be redefined? Answer at this time – no)

  • WGDLLE exists to facilitate online learning in the legal education space
  • There are potential advocacy roles for the group, but these tend to be tied to specific opportunities around specific individuals who are able to influence specific situations

Distance Learning in Legal Education: Book Updates

  • Make the Book into a Wiki
  • CALI will host the Wiki (Elmer to make it so)
  • A wiki will make it easier to edit the various sections and also collaborate
  • Suggested updates:
    • Regulations/Accreditation (e.g. NC-SARA)
    • Section on online pedagogy (this was originally purposely left out because there was already a lot of information available online)
    • Discussion/persuasion on how the principles of general online learning can apply to legal education (we’re not that different)
    • Waivers from the ABA, variances


  • Currently, have 93 individuals on the WGDLLE mailing list
  • Create a survey and send out to everyone to gauge what everyone is up to regarding online education.  Share with the group.
  • UPCEA.edu – An excellent resource for online education• Possible WGDLLE lunch at AALS?
  • Possible WGDLLE lunch at AALS?


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WGDLLE group meeting at CALICon17 in Phoenix, AZ.

Friday, June 16 • 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Is your law school doing ANYTHING that involves distance learning? You should grab some lunch and come to the meeting of the Working Group on Distance Learning in Legal Educastion (WGDLLE or “wiggle-dooley”). No set agenda, but we will be talking about community building, possible future projects and you can sign up for the discussion list.

The meeting will start about 15-20 mins after lunch starts to give you time to grab food.

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WGDLLE Feb Meeting (online)

Matthew Bochniak invites you to join this WebEx meeting on Friday, 2/23/17 from
1:00-2:00 PM EST.

WGDLLE Feb Meeting
Friday, February 24, 2017
1:00 pm | Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr

THANK YOU to all the presenters.
Video from the meeting coming soon. 

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Video of 1/27/17 WGDLLE Meeting

We had a very productive meeting last Friday. If you were not able to join us, the link of the recording is:



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WGDLLE Meetup – Online – 1pm EST January 27, 2017 – UPDATED

The next WGDLLE Online Meetup will be January 27, 2017 at 1pm EST.  It will be a Webex meeting.  Details for connecting will be an update to this post soon.

WGDLLE – January 2017 Meeting
Format: WebEx Webinar

  1. Distance Learning Track at CaliCon 2017
  2. Introduction to CALI’s LessonLive Service/Tool
  3.  Online Module Showcase: Ginger Hunt, University of Arizona (each
    month we will ask a WGDLLE member to showcase a blended, hybrid or online learning module)​

When: Friday, January 27, 2017
1:00 pm | Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr
Meeting number (access code): 739 561 036
Meeting password: X3tt7YqU


The Parol Evidence Rule

Hearsay From Square One: The Definition of Hearsay

Homicide (Defining Death and Life)


Be there, at a distance!



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SEALS Electronic Education Committee Call for Papers

I thought this might be of interest to folks..

SEALS Call For Papers (PDF)

SEALS Electronic Education Committee Call for Papers

Your use of online education strategies and/or technologies
as part of a course or instructional program.

Submit a short (2 to 4 page) paper focusing on your use of online education strategies
and/or technologies as part of a course or instructional program. This can be an
asynchronous, synchronouSEALS Call For Paperss, blended or face to face course, activity or program.

The papers will be reviewed by the SEALS Electronic Education Committee. Abstracts for papers meeting the template criteria will be published in the SEALS 2017 Electronic Education Program, and will be made available in full on the SEALS 2017 Electronic Education web site. Authors of accepted papers will be offered the opportunity to present their paper, either in person or online, at the SEALS 2017 conference.

Friday, January 20, 2017 is the deadline for submissions.

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